Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 108

volume Number : 18
number In Volume : 2
issue Number : 108

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 18، number In Volume 2، ، issue Number 108

Intertextual Analysis of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh and Shahnameh Soleymani by Fathullah Aref Based on Gerard Genette's Approach

Mohammad Reza Amirkhani Dehbalai , Ahmadreza Yalmeha (Author in Charge), Maryam Mahmoudi


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: In contemporary literary criticism, the meaning of a text is closely related to discovering the relationship between the text and the pre-text or pre-texts that, like metatextual components, are considered the reproductive factor of the work; hence, intertextual analysis is considered a methodological tool for analyzing the semantic, structural, and linguistic system of a work. In this study, we aim to evaluate the intertextual implications in Shahnameh Soleymani - an epic text in the style of Shahnameh from the tenth century - by using Gerard Genette"s intertextual approach.

METHODOLOGY: The research method in this article is descriptive-analytical, based on library studies using the intertextual literary criticism approach based on Genette"s theory. The scope of the research is Shahnameh Soleymani by Fathullah Aref.

FINDINGS: The findings of the research indicate that there are hidden and obvious links between the Shahnameh of Soleimani and the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi based on Gerard Genette"s intertextual theory.

CONCLUSION: Considering the aspects and dimensions of Fathullah Aref"s influence in the Shahnameh of Soleimani from Ferdowsi"s great epic in the Shahnameh, Aref"s influence was not only in the linguistic and lexical field, but the poet, while examining the contrast in recreating a text in the form of a Shahnameh, relying on his sense of superiority and his work over Ferdowsi and the Shahnameh, tried to be influenced by the Shahnameh in imagery, characterization, rhetorical figures and expressive techniques, and the traces of this influence can be seen in the Shahnameh of Soleimani.

Intertextuality , Gerard Genette , The Shahnameh of Ferdowsi , The Shahnameh of Soleimani , Fathullah Aref

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